Internalization of Aswaja Values in Shaping The Character of Wasathiyah Students MA Bustanul Ulum Glagah Lamongan



The growing era of globalization has become a separate weapon for new groups to expand their wings in developing the notion of radicalism in Indonesia, both in social media and in the community, where the ideology of radicalism in Indonesia is currently quite a lot, so the values ​​of aswaja need to be addressed. conveyed to the general public through the internalization of aswaja values, especially at the MA Bustanul Ulum Glagah, with the cultivation of these values ​​being able to balance and counteract the existence of new ideologies that reject the existence of peace. The research with the title "Internalization of Aswaja Values ​​in Shaping the Wasathiyah Character of MA Bustanul Ulum Glagah Lamongan" which departs from the results of scientific writing of this thesis, aims to find out how the process of internalizing these aswaja values ​​occurs so that the wasathiyah character of the students of MA Bustanul Ulum is formed. Glagah Lamongan. This study uses qualitative research methods using a descriptive analysis type approach, and the results of data from interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that the process of internalizing aswaja values ​​in shaping the character of wasathiyah, there are three stages namely Transformation, Value Transactions, and Transinternalization, the three stages are carried out by a teacher to students, while the values ​​that are instilled are tawasuth, tawazun, taadul, and tasammuh, the four values ​​are mutually sustainable, thus making MA Bustanul Ulum Glagah students moderate in character or wasathiyah and able to implement these values ​​both in practice and mental attitude and mindset.

Keywords: Internalization, Aswaja Values, Wasathiyah character.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Moh. Sanang Dani Erwanda, Siti Suwaibatul Islamiyah, Ahmad Hanif