Balun village is a village where the community adhere to three religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Even so, the people of this village still live in harmony, therefore this village is called the village of multiculturalism. In addition, this village is also dubbed as Pancasila Village and is often used as a pilot village for other village communities whose people are often involved in inter-religious conflicts. One of the reasons this village has always been harmonious and without conflict is because the community of this village since 1960 has had activities carried out together called local wisdom. According to the informant, there are six types of activities that are included in the local wisdom of the Balun village community, those activities are visiting Mbah Alun's grave, celebrating the ogoh-ogoh ceremony, ngaturi events, Christmas celebrations, death feast, takbir around. Of the many local wisdoms that exist in the village of Balun, in fact there are some local wisdoms that have undergone commodification. then in this study will examine the wisdom that becomes a valuable commodity. local wisdom that should be an event with the village community, but lately it has been used as a spectacle so that it becomes a commodity in multicultural village communities
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Copyright (c) 2022 Azza Abidatin Bettaliyah Azza Bettaliyah